ABC Brasil is organized as a local management partnership, with the support of an international controlling shareholder
The Executive Committee is ABC Brasil’s highest executive decision making forum:
A collegiate body composed of nine members, including the CEO and the Vice Presidents, with large experience in the financial market.
With significant autonomy in the decision-making process, and reporting to the Board of Directors.
The Executive Committee members holds, together, a relevant stake at ABC Brasil’s capital, contributing to the risk-taking alignment in the long-term value creation.

The Board of Directors is ABC Brasil’s highest governance forum, composed of:
- Members representing the shareholders, as well as independent board members.
- Executives with diverse and complementary backgrounds.
High standards of Corporate Governance
ABC Brasil has its preferred shares traded at B3 (Brazilian Stock Exchange) since 2007, admitted at Level 2 of Corporate Governance, and subject to its Regulation, which guarantees to the preferred shareholders, among several rights:
- The maintenance of a minimum percentage of outstanding floating shares equivalent to at least 20% of its total Capital.
- The right to be included in a public offering for acquisition of shares resulted from transfer of control, at the same terms and conditions granted to the selling controlling shareholder.
- Withdraw right based on the Economic Value determined in an Valuation Report prepared by a specialized third-party institution.
Employees with relevant part of their remuneration linked to performance goals
Not only including their individual performance, but also that of their respective areas and the ABC Brasil’s overall profitability.
A relevant portion of this variable compensation is paid in the form of ABC Brasil’s shares, through long-term incentive plans.

ABC Brasil is committed to a transparent relationship with its shareholders, research analysts, and the market in general
- Disclosure of quarterly results, followed by conference call with the market.
- Broad level of disclosure of operational and financial information.
- Active coverage by equity research analysts, as well as by the main credit risk agencies, with independent opinions.
- Constant participation in events and presentations, including the annual presentation at “APIMEC – Associação de Analistas e Profissionais de Investimento em Mercado de Capitais”.